Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 138

Two of the three Pacus in 380 gal., growing fast. Moved large Pitcus catfish from tank#5 and sailfin Pleco from tank#6 to 380 gal.
Started today still trying to take apart broken 90 gal. with the purple silicone, it was the hardest tank to date that I have taken apart. Purple silicone was worse than glue, but it is apart. I'm going to use broken pieces to practice cutting 1/2" glass. Did water changes and vacuumed gravel in tanks#2-#12 today, water changes should be 25percent of water, and done monthly or 10 percent weekly.Vacuum gravel monthly also, to remove fish waste. Filter changes(floss change or wash out sponge) should be done monthly too. When I vacuumed gravel in tank#7 with the new Oscar there was about 100 eggs, white and fuzzy in gravel. This fish may be a female, or last fish in tank was. I'm going to watch for a while, this may have been the trouble Nic was having with the aggression in this fish. Went to petco today also and got a dozen goldfish for Knife in tank#14, he ate them all. Knife fish only will eat live, I've tried other things for years(shrimp, pellets) no luck.More tomorrow.

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