Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 134

Got a call from John who got my number from Petsmart, he had 2 African cichlids wanted to donate. Nice fish very healthy, they will share tank#5, divided from others until I figure out their aggression. Purple colored with orange-yellow fins. Thanks John and wife for the fish and extra food, check in occasionally for an update on them. When you need that 55 gal. contact me, thanks again...Joe.


  1. Joe,
    Fish look great! Glad we could find them a good home. Hopefully they won't give your other fish any problems. Thanks again for your adoption. We will keep you in mind when we are ready to restart our fish family.

    1. Joe,

      Have a good friend in Commerce that has a 90 gallon tank that he need to get rid of. If you have any interest contact me, wyldgoat65@aol.com

