Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 566

Listed 40 gal. long on craigslist last week $80...not a call! Relisted $65, and this is with stand, filter, heater,lights, and gravel, glass lids. Two dreamers follow through! Think I'll let it ride for one more week then $!
Went to Auction Village in Warren,Mi...near firehall. Mary has a 8'x4' piece of "bullet proof glass", as she calls it! Says it's worth "thousands", it's 1" her to $100, and she won't budge. This will fit on top of my 388gal., she also has a treasure chest stand, and hood. I will wheel and deal and see if I can cut a deal for both.
Did 50% water changes in both 29gal., gravel vacuum, and filter cleanings. Did Budda tank and Oscar, Red Devil/Jaguar fader tanks too.
Started to medicate Arowana tank because of Clown Knife, with Melafix. Also medicated two 55gal. one has old Flowerhorn, which became sick again (head infection) ,other 55gal. has asorted fry, this infection killed 2 Black Nastys, female Flowerhorn, and a Jack Dempsey...this is the third day of medication.

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